About Kinesiology
Our Body is Wise! Every cell of our body is filled with all our memories, experiences, emotions, and thoughts.
Whenever there is an imbalance, by using the right tools, Our Body can lead us to get to the root of the issue and it can guide us to detect what is needed to review, overcome, and step forward to create the life we desire.
What Is Kinesiology?
Kinesiology uses muscle testing to find stressors in the body on a mental, emotional, physical and spiritual level. Techniques used are based on ancient Chinese medicine principally working with meridians, which are flows of energy in the body. Each meridian correlates with an organ or a system as well as a group of muscles. The muscle testing taps into your subconscious and detects stress points, which the practitioner will then find a way to balance by means of adjusted nutrition, counselling, acupressure points, neurolymphatic points, reflexes, belief systems reset and unidentified emotional needs.